Test d’inglese

Test d'inglese - Nuovamente Corsi Formigine

Nome e Cognome (richiesto)
Telefono (richiesto)
Email (richiesto)
1 Scegli la frase corretta
You can Play the piano?Can you play the piano?Do you can play the piano?Can you to play the piano?
2 Trova la frase sbagliata
She can't skateCan she skate?She can skateShe cans skate
3 Scegli la risposta breve corretta alla domanda: Can Mary Ski?
Yes, he canNo, I can'tYes, you canNo, she can't
4 Trova l'imperativo grammaticalmente sbagliato
Not run!Come!Don't sit down!Don't be stupid
5 Trova la -ing form sbagliata

6 Scegli la forma corretta del Present Continuous
You are eat a sandwichYou're eating a sandwichYour eating sandwichYou eating a sandwich
7 Trova la forma sbagliata del Present Continuous
She is buying a new scarfWe are not going to schoolThey are sleeping?I'm watching TV
8 Trova la frase sbagliata
I love himI love sheI love themI love you
9 Scegli la frase corretta
usually go to the cinema with hisI usually go to the cinema with meI usually go to the cinema with herusually go to the cinema with their
10 Trova l’espressione che non è preceduta dal verbo do
11 Trova il sostantivo che non indica un capo di abbigliamento
12 Indica quale capo di abbigliamento si porta al collo
13 Trova quale capo di abbigliamento non è adatto quando fa freddo
14 Scegli quale frase esprime un’offerta
I'm not very good at tennisCan you swim?Can I help you?
15 Scegli la risposta corretta della domanda: Which sport do you do?
I'm playing footbalI don't like team sportsI'm terrible at hockey
16 Scegli la risposta corretta alla domanda: What are you doing?
I have lunchI am have lunchI having lunch
17 Trova quale frase viene detta da un cliente in un negozio
The changing rooms are over thereCan I help you?They're £15
18 Scegli l’espressione corretta per esprimere il prezzo
The red shoes are £35The jeans is £28The sunglasses is only £7,50
19 Scegli la risposta breve corretta alla domanda: Is your mum good at cooking?
Yes, she canYes, she isNo, she doesn't
20 Scegli la domanda che esprime un invito
How often do you go to the park?Would you like to go to the park?Are you going to the park?
21 Traduci: Se parcheggi qui la tua macchina, la polizia te la porterà via.
22 Traduci: Se parcheggiassi qui la tua macchina, la polizia te la porterebbe via.
23 Traduci: Se avessi parcheggiato qui la tua macchina, la polizia te l’avrebbe portata via.
24 Completa: - I first met Robert at school. I … him for twenty years
have been knowingknewhave knownhad knownhad been knowing
25 Completa: He has not come yet. He … something in the car
must have forgottencan have forgottenwill have forgottenshould have forgottenwill be able to have forgotten
26 Completa: Jane and I have been friends for two years now and we have decided to get a house together because we:
liked each otherhave been liking each otherhave liked each otherare liking each otherlike each other
27 The correct term for a group of lions is a:
28 Completa: Jack will be able to do it. He always gets … a difficulty
29 Completa: We … into the state of the Swedish car industry
made some researchesdid some researchesmade some researchmade researchdid some research
30 Present yourself briefly: name, age, where are you from, job, hobbies... and explain why you are going to attend this course.
Infine, scrivi qui sotto eventuali commenti o richieste:
   (non mandiamo SPAM)


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